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    • News

      February 5, 2024

      The Downfall of the Runet, possible scenarios.

      30 January 2024 – A massive outage affecting all national domain zones of Runet drew the attention of experts from around the world to the problem of the resilience of the existing Internet infrastructure, and in particular to the critical technology responsible for its security, such as DNSSEC. In this article, I would like to […]

      October 13, 2023

      The Evolution of Internet Addressing: From DNS to Distributed Resolvers in the IPvX Ecosystem.

      A. Introduction to the Domain Name System (DNS): Established in the last century, the Domain Name System (DNS) remains a critical part of the Internet [1]. The DNS acts as a registry on the global network. For example, it translates human-readable names such as “example.com” into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other […]

      July 7, 2023

      Latest report on the work completed at the Private Institute

      We’re proud to present our latest report on the work completed at the Private Institute for the Development of Public Digital Networks ([IEDN](https://iedn.net)). Thanks to our efforts, we’ve made significant strides in accomplishing our mission of creating strong, independent, and free internet communities. Discover the details of our accomplishments and future plans in our report. […]

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